Created using Adobe Premiere, DSL5000, Camera phone and free video/audio clips.
Zen Garden (A collection of video clips taken from a wild hillside in South Bellingham, WA). Soundtrack: “Stock footage provided by “Reflections on Water,” downloaded from”
The Art of Tree Climbing. (Video clips taken on a wild hillside in South Bellingham, WA). Soundtrack: “Stock footage provided by “Hall-of-the-Mountain-King-CLI012801,” downloaded from”
Flame. (First video I created using free video and audio clips from “Stock footage provided by “Lighting, Smoke_Dark_11, Smoke_Dark_04, Northernlights2, Clock_Face, FiberOptics12, candles, candle_wind_4K. Soundtrack: “Surrounded-by-the-enemy-T” downloaded from”